Mobile working and outsourcing of IT services implicate a rise of security demands to the enterprises. The security departments have to thing about safe remote access to the internal networks, especially privileged access to the core IT must be controlled. It has to always be transparent who is doing what, where, when and why.

VISULOX VISULOX provides secure and fast access to heterogeneous application for users connected from the Internet or Intranet. It’s also the suitable tool for system administration, operation and maintenance. amitego sets VISULOX as the standard product for controlled and secure remote access for companies with complex IT infrastructure.

To access the datacenter, the user only uses a browser and https-communication. The Authentication of a user, also with 2FA, identifies him as an individual before he gets any privileged access. As soon as his identity is confirmed, he gets only access to those applications which are assigned to his role. This guarantees an unambiguous assignment of who can do what.

VISULOX implements the following features.

  • Accessibility complements the feature set of VISULOX Gateway with Access Load Balancing and software for 2 Factor Authentication.
  • Management enables administrator and user groups to have a view of the current application usage. This module was developed to provide an enterprise role based view detached from the VISULOX administration tool. This module also includes access management based on timetables and temporary access for users or the access based on a granted time budget for a single user or a defined group of users.
  • Cooperation provides role-based usage of working together in one session.. Thus, integration of processes for active support through external employees on live-systems using the four-eye-principle is possible. It provides many advantages: knowledge-transfer, mutual support, access control, confidence-building measures via online inspection. Also an enforced four-eye-principle called Dual Control is possible.
  • Recording defines in the central VISULOX configuration that all interaction between the application and the user is recorded onto film including keyboard entries. This information is available for analyzing at a later time using the build-in or external player. Approximately 3.5 - 10 Mbytes of data are written per hour by each recorded application.
  • File transfer gives the user the ability to transfer files between his desktop and the IT-infrastructure. The transfer is scanned and controlled.
  • Report Module generates reports about the usage: Who, what, when including granting access and file transfer.
  • Archive is an option to implement an automatic transfer of all videos/logged data out of the access zone into revision zone of the datacenter. This guarantees an well defined access process for all collected data.
Further information and fully product description you can find here: