Imprint Imprint

Responsible for this web site is:

Ingenieurbüro A.Spilla
Andreas Spilla

Postal and delivery address:

Am Hohenrain 20
63654 Büdingen
Tel: +49 (0) 6049 952774
Fax: +49 (0) 6049 952771


Limitation of Liability Statement (Disclaimer)

The information provided free of charge on this website is for information purposes only. We assume no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information provided. Claims based on source, recommendations or consultation can not be derived from the provision. Liability for damages is excluded, in as far as we can be held accountable for intent or gross negligence.

We reserve the right to modify this website at any time, make additions or deletions.

Targets of references that are placed on our website to other Internet sites had at the time the link was set, no illegal contents that were capable of being discerned by us. We however have no influence over such external Internet content and hereby explicitly dissociate ourselves from the content provided there. We can in particular not guarantee that other web ready pages of the linked website exclusively only entails legally sound content, nor that the concerned webpage has not been subsequently altered in a legally unsound manner.

The brand names mentioned on our web pages are not marked in each case as such. We point out that they are nevertheless subject to the provisions of trademark law.

The content of our texts, programs, graphics, as well as audio and video files are subject to our use and exploitation rights and may only be reproduced or distributed with our consent.

Input of personal data of the user is done on a voluntary basis and is not a prerequisite for the use of our offered Tele-or Media services. We refer pursuant to § 33 Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (BDSG)  German Federal Data Protection Act  that specific data of the user can be saved and processed.

If individual clauses of this Limitation of Liability Statement (Disclaimer) do not or no longer comply with current legal requirements, the validity of the remaining clauses remains unaffected.